Thursday, June 12, 2008

Where's Wednesday?

Do you remember Where's Waldo? I loved the Where's Waldo books. I'd like to say I was a kid when they came out but instead I'll have to admit that I was an adult at the time. I must have liked them because I'm still just a kid at heart. Anyway, my point. Wednesdays lately are starting to feel a lot like Where's Waldo to me, it's two weeks in a row that I have missed our regularly scheduled Work It Wednesday. I've searched for some time to carve out to post but despite my searching, I still missed it. One of our favorite blog readers, Mona, said I should stop worrying about it so today I'm taking her advice. (Thanks Mona!) And I'm moving on.

Taking Mona's advice got me thinking about how we all inspire one another. No, I'm not going to get all deep on you but seriously, think about it, what has someone done, said, made, that has inspired you? Did you act on the inspiration?

On more than one occasion I've been inspired by our customers and blog readers and so for today's post I'd like to link you to a few fun projects that were links that were sent to be by some of you.

Kim many months ago referred me to this little cutie of a project. I've meant for months to post it, so today, in sharing inspiration, here it is: Nugget Purse

And since the Nugget Purse really isn't all that manly, here's an idea that maybe you could make for dad. It's from the same blog above but it's a note book made from a cereal box. It think it's pretty cool but what I really love is how she used the same technique to make a note book from a scrabble game board. It's shown at the bottom of her post.

So, thanks Kim for sending me the link to that blog. I've been inspired and hope now that I've past it along, that you can all be inspired too.


P.S. Did you like the count down book we did for Judy's birthday? If so check back later today, we've got something cool to show you....

1 comment:

Mona said...

Nice to see that you are at least trying to take a deep breath and have finally realized that you can only do so much in any given day. Stiillll, after a tease like the one about Judy's message book, I'm thinking that you have some ideas to share on other books or that some little kit has been created to help those of us that need all the help we can get. I can't wait!!!

By the way, loved the little purse but I'm thinking my fingers wouldn't easily work on that job but that the project with the cereal box looks more manageable.

In the name of recycling, Judy should ask my husband Mark what I did with one of the tins that came out of the gift basket he bought at the store and gave to me on Mother's Day. Reuse, Recycle, Recreate!